

Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"
Jef Geys, "234"

"234" – This booklet is published on the occasion of the Jef Geys exhibition « le tour de France 1969 d’Eddy Merckx » organised by the CNEAI between 2016 and 2018. The final stage of this exhibition will be presented at « Air de Paris » gallery: January 20-March 10, 2018.


Offset printed on Maco Mat 170 gr. – A4 – 68 pages. 300 copies. Price: 40€

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prices are subject to change without notice, all prices are exclusive of tax. for more information on editions, contact us